Prepare for the prosumer rush with dcbel Home Energy Digital Twin

Real customer base, virtual DERs.

Batch create and configure your Digital Twins by uploading meter data or using personas to create synthetic meter loads.

Connect via API to existing DERMS for grid planning and feeder or asset management.

Trusted by

The power plant is moving into the home.

262 GW

of new DER and demand flexibility capacity will be installed in the US by 2027, nearly matching new utility-scale resource installations during the same timeframe.

Wood Mackenzie

Assess the impact of edge devices on grid capacity and energy market dynamics.

The boom in renewable energy renders feeder forecasts and historical baselines unreliable.

Real-time weather, pricing and family life

Run baseline profile or real-time meter data and simulated input through energy forecasting algorithms.

Grid-edge rooftop solar + storage and other non-wire alternatives must be scaled up.

Load, EV, solar, ESS, feeder forecasts — see it all

Forecast grid capacity needs and net load as many as seven days in advance, with hundreds or even thousands of distributed devices aggregated in your DERMS.

Growing wholesale volatility due to injection intermittency requires new rate strategies.

Constraints from home to grid

Use the Chorus API / Control Center interface to simulate different states such as EV arrival and departure, grid outages and even a whole new energy program or rate structure. Sequence or supersede constraints from all energy providers.

Leverage high-precision DER forecasting

Foresight is 20/20. The path towards transactive energy without limits begins with accurate grid planning, capacity forecasting and dynamic price modelling.

Real-time visibility

Evaluate the impact of different real-time flexibility price profiles and dynamic prices on net load forecasts (including PV, home load, ESS and EV usage forecasts).

Multi-year forecasting

Get hyper-realistic insights into the future impact of DER integration, flexibility programs, and energy asset control.

Granular integration

Connect seamlessly with DERMS/ ADMS / load forecasting tools via IEEE 2030.5 / OpenADR / CIM or the powerful Chorus REST native API.

Energy Companies

Master the new prosumer landscape.


the impact of bottom-up adoption of DERs over a defined customer base.


dynamic pricing models factoring in solar, micro weather, EV usage and home load forecasts.


seamlessly with DERMS / ADMS / load forecasting tools.


Uncover new value streams.


unique offerings and customer programs.


strategic energy insights.


technical aggregation and virtual power plant (VPP) capabilities that maximize your energy flexibility opportunities.

Energy Companies

Master the new prosumer landscape.


the impact of bottom-up adoption of DERs over a defined customer base.


dynamic pricing models factoring in solar, micro weather, EV usage and home load forecasts.


seamlessly with DERMS / ADMS / load forecasting tools.


Uncover new value streams.


unique offerings and customer programs.


strategic energy insights.


technical aggregation and virtual power plant (VPP) capabilities that maximize your energy flexibility opportunities.

Plan for the prosumer era with accurate energy forecasting.

Harness the power of digital twin analytics


By delegating the responsibility for the system’s energy management, power dispatch and DER control functionalities, companies can reduce cloud operating costs by more than $300 / user annually, and finally create a sustainable business model for DER aggregation.”

dcbel has developed a rich ecosystem of products and transformational technologies to support the delivery of energy without compromise for prosumers, utilities, OEMs, commercial aggregators and more.